The Vallejo Game Color Suitcase contains 72 Game Color paints, 3 varnishes, 1 medium, and 3 sable brushes (0,1 and 2/0).
Attractive storage case with clear acrylic lid.
Contains the following17 ml bottles:
- 72.001 Dead White
- 72.002 Arctic White
- 72.003 Pale Flesh
- 72.004 Elf Skin Tone
- 72.005 Moon Yellow
- 72.006 Sun Yellow
- 72.007 Gold Yellow
- 72.008 Orange Fire
- 72.009 Hot Orange
- 72.010 Bloody Red
- 72.011 Gory Red
- 72.012 Scarlet Red
- 72.013 Squid Pink
- 72.014 Warlord Purple
- 72.015 Hexed Lichen
- 72.016 Royal Purple
- 72.017 Dark Blue
- 72.018 Stormy Blue
- 72.019 Night Blue
- 72.020 Imperial Blue
- 72.021 Magic Blue
- 72.022 Ultramarine Blue
- 72.023 Electric Blue
- 72.024 Turquoise
- 72.025 Foul Green
- 72.026 Jade Green
- 72.027 Scurvy Green
- 72.028 Dark Green
- 72.029 Sick Green
- 72.030 Goblin Green
- 72.031 Camouflage Green
- 72.032 Scorpy Green
- 72.033 Livery Green
- 72.034 Bone White
- 72.035 Dead Flesh
- 72.036 Bronze Fleshtone
- 72.037 Filthy Brown
- 72.038 Scrofulous Brown
- 72.039 Plague Brown
- 72.040 Leather Brown
- 72.041 Dwarf Skin
- 72.042 Parasite Brown
- 72.043 Beasty Brown
- 72.044 Dark Flesh Tone
- 72.045 Charred Brown
- 72.046 Ghost Grey
- 72.047 Wolf Grey
- 72.048 Sombre Grey
- 72.049 Stonewall Grey
- 72.050 Cold Grey
- 72.051 Black
- 72.052 Silver
- 72.053 Chainmail Silver
- 72.054 Gunmetal
- 72.055 Polished Gold
- 72.056 Glorious Gold
- 72.057 Bright Bronze
- 72.058 Brassy Brass
- 72.059 Hammered Copper
- 72.060 Tinny Tin
- 72.061 Khaki
- 72.062 Earth
- 72.063 Desert Yellow
- 72.064 Yellow Olive
- 72.065 Terracotta
- 72.066 Tan
- 72.067 Cayman Green
- 72.068 Smokey Ink
- 70.596 Glaze Medium
- 70.520 Matt Varnish
- 70.522 Satin Varnish
- 70.510 Glossy Varnish
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