
The Army Painter Warpaint – Zombicide Invader Paint Set

Original price was: $32.99.Current price is: $26.39.

SKU: V412965794101 Category:


CMON has partnered up with The Army Painter to develop custom paint sets for the popular Zombicide board games by Guillotine Games.

This exciting collaboration has so far spawned five paint sets with more than 30 Warpaints and Quickshade Washes. Now comes another paint set to accompany Guillotine Games newest game, Zombicide Invader. This paint set contains a unique and specifically designed color palette needed to paint the Xenos and humankinds last defenders plus a FREE brush to get you started.

Arm yourself with this great value paint set containing six new Warpaints specifically developed for Zombicide Invader and get ready to fight for the survival of humankind!


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