
Fate Worlds: Vol2, Worlds in Shadow

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $12.00.

SKU: V412965793857 Category:


Fate Worlds Volume 2: Worlds in Shadow is the second in a two-volume set. In Worlds on Fire, you get six rich story settings. Each setting includes custom mechanics, NPCs, and story elements-all ready to go using the
system provided in Fate Core. We’ve got you covered regardless of your flavor of RPG choice. Be a knight in a giant robot suit in Camelot Trigger, or get on the grift with CrimeWorld. Fight off alien invaders in the court
of Louis XV in Court/Ship, or indulge your time travel fantasies in Timeworks.

Fate Worlds. All the worlds. Your stage.

6″x9″ black & white, softcover, 264 pages


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