Nemleria Repeter [AGOV-EN077] Common


SKU: D301299716512 Category:


Set: Age of Overlord
Card type: Continuous Trap
Rarity: Common

If you control another “Nemleria” card: You can banish the following number of cards from your Extra Deck face-down, except “Dreaming Nemleria”, then activate the appropriate effect; 1: Add 1 “Nemleria” card from your GY to your hand. 2: Any damage you take this turn is halved. 3: Send 1 Level 10 Beast monster you control to the GY, and if you do, negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn.You can only use the effect of “Nemleria Repeter” once per turn.


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